Passover Homes

The "Passover Homes" bring hope, restoration, and the love of Jesus Christ to one of the poorest nations in the world. By constructing block houses, each adorned with red-painted doors and door posts reminiscent of the biblical Passover, we aim to make a profound connection with the villages in Mozambique. 

 Our primary focus is to serve the most vulnerable within this nation - the widows, disabled people, and the elderly who lack the means to build adequate homes for themselves. By providing them with safe and secure Passover Homes, we aspire to restore their dignity, enhance their quality of life, and offer them a place of refuge.

 However, this project goes beyond mere physical construction. Passover Homes is rooted in building genuine relationships with the families we serve and the larger village community. We believe in sharing God's unconditional love, extending our hands of friendship, and fostering trust and understanding among all individuals involved.

 As we work alongside these families, an opportunity is presented to introduce and share the good news of Jesus Christ. We seek to reach the lost, empower, and disciple believers by preaching the gospel and demonstrating His love in practical ways. Our ultimate goal is to see lives transformed, not just through the provision of physical shelter but also through the Holy Spirit's work in hearts and minds.

 Passover Homes aims to be a catalyst for holistic change. By addressing individuals’ and communities’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, we envision a nation uplifted, renewed, and inspired by the hope, redemption, and transformation found in Jesus Christ.